2200 W. Panama Road, Martell, NE 68404

Employee Spotlight: Josh Murphy

Our next employee spotlight is Josh Murphy. Josh is a lead heavy equipment operator and has been with the company for a year and a half. He’s able to handle just about any type of heavy equipment needed, but frequently finds himself in charge of track loaders, skid loaders, and excavators. He even has his CDL and has driven for Gana when needed. 

What is Josh’s work background?

Josh is very talented and experienced in the world of construction. Before coming to Gana, he spent many years as a part of the K2 Construction team, and has also gained experience in welding.

What’s Josh’s favorite part of your job?

Some of the things that Josh enjoys about working at Gana is the independence and quick communication with upper management. They’re very trusting, which makes him feel valued. He also says that he enjoys the rewarding feeling of finishing tasks.

What’s the most challenging part of his job?

It can be tough when you’re by yourself and don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why independence can be both a blessing and a curse. He’s had to face some challenges head-on, but he’s also been able to forge his own path and push past any roadblocks. And while it hasn’t always been easy, it has been rewarding.

Josh’s favorite project while working at Gana.

Josh’s most memorable project to work on has been the Memorial Stadium expansion project. He’s enjoyed working on this iconic and historical project and that  it’s been a great experience being able to work on such a large scale project and seeing all of the different elements come together.

Thank you, Josh!

We’re so fortunate to have you as a part of our team! You bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, and you’re a valuable asset to our company. We’re looking forward to working with you and seeing all that you can accomplish in the future!

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