2200 W. Panama Road, Martell, NE 68404

Jobsite Winter Safety Tips

Winter is coming, and that means colder temperatures and hazardous weather conditions for construction workers. It’s important to be prepared for the winter season and know how to stay safe while working. In this blog post, we will discuss five winter safety tips that every construction worker needs to know to stay safe out there!

Keep an eye on the forecast

By keeping track of the daily forecast, employers and employees can ensure they are prepared for whatever conditions may arise. For employers, by checking weather forecasts, they can avoid scheduling work during times when temperatures and conditions could make outside work dangerous. It’s always best to schedule work during the warmest part of the day to minimize risk.

Remove snow and ice

As winter weather conditions can quickly create hazardous conditions on a construction site, it is important for employers to constantly monitor and address any potential safety risks. This includes removing snow from walkways and work areas, spreading salt or sand to prevent slipping, and chipping away large patches of ice. It is also crucial for workers to avoid working on scaffolding in icy or snowy conditions, even if the job is time sensitive.

Dress Appropriately

Without the proper attire, working outdoors in winter is unbearable and even dangerous. To prevent cold-related injuries like hypothermia and frostbite, it’s essential that employees dress appropriately for the job with items such as coats, boots, gloves, hats and more based on the current conditions. In addition to suitable clothing choices, shoes should also have non slip soles.

Limit your time outside

It’s important to listen to weather forecasts and monitor conditions during the winter. If it’s particularly cold or windy, consider rescheduling outdoor work for another day. When outside work must be done in these conditions, schedule shorter time blocks and provide warm breaks for employees. Breaking up larger projects into smaller tasks can also help minimize exposure to the harsh elements.

Know The Signs of Hypothermia and Frostbite

It is important for supervisors to provide proper training and education on the signs and symptoms of hypothermia and frostbite. Workers should also be equipped with the necessary protective gear, such as warm clothing and hand/foot warmers, to prevent these conditions from occurring in the first place.

However, if a worker does show signs of hypothermia or frostbite, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately. These conditions can quickly worsen and can even lead to death if not treated promptly.

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